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How is a child’s mental health and wellbeing supported at Allen Edwards?
Care and support for each other lies at the core of Allen Edwards ethos and values. We recognise the crucial role that individual wellbeing plays in allowing our children to thrive and succeed.
Throughout their time at Allen Edwards, children will be constantly learning about how to support and promote positive mental health and wellbeing through explicit teaching and as part of our continuous school offer.
We aspire for all pupils:
To be mentally and physically healthy, have a sense of their spirituality
To have the necessary awareness to make healthy decisions
To engage positively with the community
Be ready for the future.
The Emotional Health and Wellbeing of all our pupils are very important to us and a sound PSHE curriculum using the Jigsaw Scheme combined with our intrinsic values, underpins all aspects of school life. Our commitment to the United Nations Convention of Children’s Rights ensures that children recognise the rights of children and their own voice in decision-making. Through the Rights Respecting School’s Award, our children recognise what is needed to ensure emotional and physical wellbeing and who the duty bearers responsible for ensuring this happens for all children are.
We have a robust Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in place, which follows National and Local Authority Guidelines. All staff and volunteers working with our children have read and understand the signs of abuse and neglect and work collaboratively with families and safeguarding partners to care for our children and promote the well-being of our vulnerable children.

Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing
We have a Mental Health Lead to promote mental health and well-being. They have undertaken the Mental Health First Aid Training, Mental Health Lead training through Lambeth and Leeds Becketts and Strategic Mental Health Lead Training Course.
All staff continually monitor the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of all our pupils.
We have a robust positive behaviour and anti-bullying policy. This academic year, we will be further developing these by working with Qualiteach to further develop the school's response to all forms of discriminatory and prejudiced behaviour in school through policy development, training and workshops.
We have a Friendship Group to support children who are finding it difficult to make or maintain relationships, which is run by the Mental Health Support Team.
We have a Chill Out Zone at lunchtime so that children can choose whether to play inside or outside.
Our additional adults work closely with specific children through daily check-ins and interventions such as Zones of Regulation and Talk About Self-Esteem.
There is a Worries’ Box available to all children that is monitored by the Inclusion Team.
Children have access to a range of therapies including Art Therapy with Art4Space, Play Therapy, psychotherapy and Music Therapy in school.
We have a Place2Be practitioner in school 2 days a week, who provides 121 therapy, Place2Talk drop-in sessions for children as well as workshops and training for parents, staff and children.
We have a house system in school to allow older children to support younger children in the playground and around school.
We have a sensory room to support the emotional needs of all of our children.
Our year fives and sixes work closely with SOS+ to support positive choices and raise awareness of the dangers of violence.
Our year fives and year sixes are working with the charity Action Breaks Silence to develop an understanding of consent and positive decision-making with regard to gender-based violence.
We have a Mental Health Support Team from Lambeth, who work with families and children in school.
We promote wellbeing throughout the school year and use national and worldwide events such as Children’s Mental Health Week to further promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
We hold coffee mornings once a term to support parents’ mental health and wellbeing with our Mental Health Support Team.
Reception, Year One and the Autism Base have weekly sessions at Oasis Nature Garden to develop outdoor learning, which is proven to have a positive impact on wellbeing.
We have created a wellbeing signposting tool so all parents, carers, children and the community are aware of the support available. See below.
We run a weekly play group to bring young families together and build a sense of community for children who are 0 – 3 years old.
A behaviour policy that focuses on supporting regulation and promotes mutual respect.
Zones of Regulation are used in every class to develop strategies to support children’s regulation and wellbeing.
We have elected Mental Health and Well-being Ambassadors from school to support children’s mental health. They hold weekly class meetings to discuss ways that they have looked after their mental health and wellbeing that week and how they will do so at the weekend (Click to read the Mental Health Ambassadors leaflet written by our ambassadors).​

Promoting Positive Physical Health and Wellbeing
What we offer in school:
Weekly Park Run with children and families.
A range of exciting playground zones to encourage children to engage in a range of sports.
A range of after-school clubs to promote physical wellbeing.
A Health Mentor from Evolve, who promotes positive physical health throughout the day.
We are working with School Food Matters to create a healthy food culture across the school.
We have two sports coaches, who lead all PE across the school and at playtime and lunchtime.

Support Given During the First Covid-19 Lockdown to support Mental Health and Wellbeing
“It is very clear that the school is committed to supporting children’s physical and mental health. The support the school has made available to families during the school closure due to the Covid -19 pandemic has been exemplary.”
Rights Respecting Gold Award feedback, July 2020
Weekly phone calls from The Inclusion Team to all vulnerable families including those with an EHCP.
Daily posts from class teachers on our Dojo platform with videos and private messages to support children and maintain relationships.
Weekly wellbeing monitoring was undertaken by all class teachers and for those children who had not accessed learning that week, contact was made by the class teacher or The Inclusion Team.
Art in a Box boxes were delivered to support the emotional needs of vulnerable and EHCP children.
Art in a Box resources was provided to key worker children in our in-school provision.
Music Therapy videos were sent to children having therapy.
Weekly Lunch Boxes were provided to vulnerable families from Chefs in School.
Food Bank deliveries organised fortnightly for our most vulnerable families.
Fortnightly Breakfast Boxes were provided to all families that needed support from School Food Matters.
Wellbeing packs were given to all children to support their emotional wellbeing with resources and strategies to use at home.
Links were developed with Hyde Housing to support families with their housing needs and seek advice.
Links were created with Thriving Stockwell, our local community group, to work to improve the green spaces in Stockwell so families have outside space to support their wellbeing.
All staff was trained by Trauma Informed Schools to provide support for trauma for our children on their return.
Support Given on the Return to School after the Summer to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing
Increased Art Therapy provision through Art4Space to support 30 children in school.
Increased Music Therapy provision.
Introduction of Zones of Regulations in all classrooms.
Introduction of emotional regulation choices for all children to access in the classroom throughout the day.
Wellbeing week on the return to school to support children to recognise strategies to manage their mental health and wellbeing and reconnect with their classmates.
Sensory Room created in school.
Weekly lunch boxes are provided to vulnerable families from Chefs in School.
Kid’s Network Partnership created to provide 10 children with a mentor.
Support to be Given if there are Future Lockdown or Bubble Closures to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing
Weekly phone calls from The Inclusion Team and class teachers to all vulnerable families including those with an EHCP.
Daily posts from class teachers on our Dojo platform with videos and private messages to support children and maintain relationships.
Weekly wellbeing monitoring was undertaken by all class teachers and for those children who had not accessed learning that week, contact was made by the class teacher or The Inclusion Team.
Music Therapy videos were sent to children having therapy.
Weekly Lunch Boxes were provided to vulnerable families from Chefs in School.
Food Bank deliveries organised fortnightly for our most vulnerable families.

Support for children
Young Minds
Young Minds provides free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.
Textline. Text YM to 85258.

Kooth is an anonymous site, which helps children and young people feel safe and confident in exploring their concerns and seeking professional support around mental health and wellbeing.
It is for 11 to 16 year olds.
The Mix
The Mix is a multi-channel advice service designed to support the physical and mental well-being of under 25s across the UK. They reach 2 million young people every year through the digital, social and mobile technologies of their choice.

Place 2 Be
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity that provides counseling and information for pupils, families and schools to support children’s wellbeing.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a mental health charity that offers our specialist support to meet the needs of a wide range of children and young people across varying stages of development.

Support for adults
Lambeth Talking Therapies
GP or self-referral for over 18 year-olds.
They offer talking therapies for people experiencing depression, general anxiety and worry, health anxiety, panic attacks, social anxiety, traumatic memories and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They also offer help with other problems including living with a long-term health condition.

Samaritans are a mental health charity who provide 24/7 support.
Call 116 123 for free
Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text-messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.
