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Late / Absence Procedures

Pupil Absences

If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason please let us know as soon as
possible by doing one of the following:

Call the office to speak with reception or leave a message on the telephone: 020 7622 3985

All children need to be in their classrooms by 8:55 a.m.

The gates close at 9:00 a.m. Any children arriving after this time, need to be brought to the school office. The office will request a reason for the lateness and this will be logged.

Your child will be marked in the register with an ‘L’ if they arrive after 9:10 a.m.

Penalty notices may be issued if a child is continually late after the bell.

Medical Appointments

As you will be aware, we ask parents to try and make medical appointment times for after
school. However, we realise sometimes this is not possible. When an appointment has to be made for during the school day please can you supply us with some form of confirmation
(appointment card, letter, email, text notification, etc.). This is necessary for us to keep in the class register.

No holidays will be granted in term time. Any children that go on holiday during term time,
leaves school early to go on holiday before a school holiday or arrive back at school after the
start of term, will be issued with a penalty notice.

Special Leave Requests

If your child requires special leave, we ask that you complete the special leave request form as soon as possible. These can be collected from the school office. They must be returned to the school office with proof of the reason for the request. The office can advise what this could be. The Headteacher and/or attendance office will then authorise or unauthorise a request. If the request is denied, a penalty notice may be issued. You will be sent confirmation from the office of the decision.

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020 7622 3985

Allen Edwards Primary School, Studley Road, Stockwell, London, SW4 6RP. United Kingdom

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For further information please contact Ms Loretta or Ms Christine on the above telephone number or email address.

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