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Our Parents' and Carers' Hub

This parents' hub has been designed so that you can access everything you need that is relative to your child being at Allen Edwards Primary School.

School Lunches

See more about school lunches

Parent Handbook

Take a look at our parent handbook

Online Payments

Download the Schoolgateway app

New School

Take a look at our new school


Learn about our curriculum

School Gateway.jpg
After-School Clubs

Take a look at our pAfter-School Clubs

Safeguarding and Child Protection

If you have any concerns with regard to Safeguarding and Child Protection, please contact our school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) staff members as below: 

Mrs Louise Robertson – Headteacher – Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Nicola Harris – Deputy Headteacher – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Tel:  020 7622 3985


Please see Allen Edwards Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy in Policies


Online Safety

The link below takes you to our E Safety page which gives lots of good information to help with any online safety concerns.


Operation Encompass
Our school takes part in Operation Encompass which runs jointly with the Metropolitan Police. Designed to provide early reporting to schools/colleges of any domestic abuse incidents that occur where a child was present. We know that children can be significantly affected through witnessing or being exposed to domestic abuse and this operation will enable us to better support our pupils and their families. Ms. Harris is our Key Adult, trained to liaise with the police and use information shared, in confidence, to ensure the right support is available should it be required by a child and/or their family.

Term Dates
Autumn Term

Term 1

INSET Days    - Monday 4th September 2023

                       - Tuesday 5th September 2023

                       - Friday 29th September 2023

Start Date       - Wednesday 6th September 2023 

Finish Date     - Friday 20th October 2023

Holiday           - Monday 23th October 2023

                       - Friday 27th October 2023

Term 2

Start Date       - Monday 30th October 2023

Finish Date     - Thursday 21st December 2023

Holiday           - Friday 22nd December 2023

                       - Friday 5th January 2024

INSET Days    - Monday 30th October 2023

Spring Term

Term 3

INSET Day      - Monday 8th January 2024


Start Date       - Tuesday 9th January 2024

Finish Date     - Friday 9th February 2024

Holiday           - Monday 12th February 2024

                       - Friday 16th February 2024

Term 4

Start Date       - Monday 19th February 2024

Finish Date     - Thursday 28th March 2024

Holiday           - Friday 29th March 2024

                       - Friday 12th April 2024

Summer Term

Term 5

Start Date       - Monday 15th April 2024

Finish Date     - Friday 24th May 2024

Holiday           - Monday 27th May 2024

                       - Friday 31st May 2024

Bank Holiday - Monday 6th May 2024

Term 6

Start Date       - Monday 3rd June 2024

Finish Date     - Wednesday 24th July 2024

Key Dates

Click here to access Allen Edwards' Key Dates for the school year

Click here to access >

Term Dates 2024 - 2025

Autumn Term

Term 1

INSET Days    - Monday 2nd September 2024

                       - Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Start Date       - Wednesday 4th September 2024

Finish Date     - Friday 25th October 2024

Holiday           - Monday 28th October 2024

                       - Friday 1st November 2024

Term 2

Start Date       - Monday 4th November 2024

Finish Date     - Friday 20th December 2024

Holiday           - Monday 23rd December 2024

                       - Friday 3rd January 2025

Spring Term

Term 3

INSET Day      - Monday 8th January 2024


Start Date       - Monday 6th January 2025

Finish Date     - Friday 14th February 2025

Holiday           - Monday 17th February 2025

                       - Friday 21th February 2025

Term 4

Start Date       - Monday 24th February 2025

Finish Date     - Friday 4th April 2025

Holiday           - Monday 7th April 2025

                       - Monday 21th April 2025

Summer Term

Term 5

Start Date       - Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Finish Date     - Friday 23rd May 2025

Holiday           - Monday 26th May 2025

                       - Friday 30th May 2025

Bank Holiday - Monday 5th May 2025

Term 6

Start Date       - Monday 2nd June 2025

Finish Date     - Tuesday 22nd July 2025

Term Dates 2023 - 2024

School Lunches

School Lunches

Our school lunches are prepared daily on-site in our school kitchen by a team of caterers. The company that looks after our lunches is called Feeding Hungry Minds and they specialise in catering for schools.

They are passionate about fresh, healthy home-cooked food that tastes great. The caterers use quality ingredients and where possible use British and locally produced products. 


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School Packed Lunches


As a school we have made the decision to allow packed lunches as part of our school policy as we want to give parents that freedom of choice. However, we also have to ensure that they follow the same guidelines that apply to school lunches. We have tried to ensure that the packed lunch policy is flexible and allow children one treat for example, a packet of crisps or a biscuit although we strongly recommend that fruit is used instead of these treats. Children should not have chocolate bars due to peanut allergies of other children. 


Unfortunately we have noticed that some packed lunches contain mostly sugary foods or items such as burgers and chips. We will have to contact you if the packed lunch does not contain the recommended balance of food and we will need to confiscate items if they are against the school's policy. Children are only allowed water to drink which is the same as children who have a school lunch. 

I fully appreciate how difficult it can be to encourage children to enjoy healthy food but this is not something we can allow as we have our own guidelines that we have to follow. 

If you would like to speak about any of the above please feel free to make an appointment.



Changing Meal Options

We have noticed that children are still switching between school dinners and packed lunch during the week, we have previously sent out letters asking parents not to do this as it negatively impacts on the kitchens numbers. 


If for any circumstances you need to change your child from their current meal option there is a form in the school office to be filled in. The change will take effect two weeks after the notice has been given.

Online Payments

School Gateway

The following items should be paid for using the school's online payment system.

  • School Lunches

  • Breakfast Club

  • Sunflower After-School Club

  • Enrichment activities; Football, Music, etc

  • School Journey / Trips

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If you require any further information or help please use the link below - 

School Gateway parent support

Chemistry Students

View all Allen Edwards Ofsted reports


Take a look at Allen Edwards' policies


Learn about our curriculum


Get in touch




020 7622 3985

Allen Edwards Primary School, Studley Road, Stockwell, London, SW4 6RP. United Kingdom

Quick links

For further information please contact Ms Loretta or Ms Christine on the above telephone number or email address.

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  • Class Dojo colour
  • Allen Edwards

Clapham and Larkhall COLLABORATIVE

© Copyright 2023 Allen Edwards Primary School / Created by Count of Three LLP

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