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Welcome to Allen Edwards

On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, I would like to welcome you to Allen Edwards Primary School. Our Values and Curriculum Drivers are founded from our belief that every person in our school should be treated with kindness and care. We encourage our children to be honest, collaborate with others and develop resilience in their thinking and learning. We expect everyone to be treated equally and with respect and are very proud and of the diversity within our school and its community.


Our creative curriculum is engaging and stimulating and offers a wide variety of cross-curricular opportunities, with English and Maths featuring highly. Core quality texts, which link with our topics, are used to stimulate purposeful writing opportunities and ensure our children develop a love and pleasure in reading.  We take full advantage of being so close to central London and offer a wide variety of trips and enrichment opportunities, as well as inviting a number of visitors to our school throughout the academic year. We have specialist music teachers in the school and offer a wide variety of music opportunities both within curriculum time and through lunchtime and after-school clubs. Physical Education is high on the school’s agenda and we have two specialist PE coaches who offer a minimum of two hours of PE provision within the school curriculum. A variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs, provided by our specialist coaches, take place throughout the school week.


We pride ourselves on the development of our pupil’s social and emotional skills by fostering caring and thoughtful attitudes, respect for others and self-confidence. The development of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of our curriculum and is reflected in our values and ethos. We aim to ensure we are providing our pupils with the skills required to live as responsible citizens in modern Britain.


The atmosphere at Allen Edwards is purposeful, and welcoming, and the children show great pride in their school. The school has links with many therapeutic services and can offer pupils and families a variety of therapeutic services.


Allen Edwards has a strong collaborative partnership with three local primary schools, and a secondary academy. We work together on a number of projects around teaching and learning to offer our children a wider variety of opportunities across local schools.

I hope you enjoy your virtual tour of the school which aims to give you an insight into Allen Edwards.

Louise Robertson


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