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Allen Edwards
New Parents Information
Welcome to Allen Edwards
We understand that choosing a school for your child/children is a challenging and often daunting prospect. Whether this is the first school for your child or you have recently moved to the area we are here to help.
We've created this hub on our website to help you, new parents, access the most relevant information and complete all the necessary steps to get your child enrolled.
Apply for a place for your child by 15th January

Reception and Main School
Allen Edwards Primary School is a two-form entry school, meaning we have two classes per year group.
The Published Admission Number (PAN) is 45.
We recommend that all new potential parents visit the school and take a tour. This will give you the opportunity to meet a member of the senior leadership team who will answer any questions you may have. You can view all of our Open Day and Open Evening dates here.
To book a place on one of our Open Days or Open Evening please email
Selection criteria for Reception Class and Main School Admissions
Our selection criteria are the same as all other Lambeth Community Schools and places are offered to children entering the school in the following order:
Looked after children. Looked after children are those that are in the care of the local authority as characterised by section 20 of the Children Act 1989.
Siblings of children already attending the school at the time of admission. A sibling is deemed as a full/half/step brother or sister (who are living at the same address) or a child who is living as part of the family by reason of a court order, or a child who has been placed with foster carers at that address as a result of being looked after by the Local Authority.
Children with an exceptional and professionally supported medical or social need that the school is especially able to meet. The decision to prioritise children on these grounds will be determined via Lambeth’s Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS) MEDSOC Panel. Documents from an appropriate professional must support these applications, although supporting evidence does not automatically mean that applicants will gain priority.
Children living closest to the school. Proximity to the school is measured by the shortest safe walking distance for the home address to the school entrance.
Reception Admissions
Admittance to our Reception Class is carried out once a year. Children are admitted in September (autumn term) if their 5th birthday falls between September and the following August.
For the next academic year, September 2025, children born between 01/09/2020 and 31/08/2021 are eligible to start reception.
Parents/carers will need to apply directly through their LA’s School Admissions for a place.
The most common way to apply is by completing the online Common Application Form (CAF).
If you have any further questions, please contact us or your LA.
In Year Admissions
If you would like to apply for a place for a child in Years 1 - 6, or a Reception place after the initial start of the school year in September, this would be considered an in-year application.
Similar to Reception admissions, a Common Application Form (CAF) would need to be completed and returned to your LA.
Before Starting School
For in-year admissions, before starting school at Allen Edwards you and your child will both be invited to attend a meeting with a member of the senior leadership team and meet his/her class teacher.
This induction will allow us to find out more about your child and family as well as helping us to create the best possible start for your child.
If your child is starting primary school for the first time – Reception class or is coming to Nursery there will be a series of; inductions, home visits, meet the teacher and stay n’ play sessions that will be organised. Again this is our opportunity to meet your family, and in return for you to meet school staff and other parents and children that will be in your child’s class.
We will also be able to see your child in their home environment and answer any questions that you may have. All leading to achieve the best possible start for your child’s primary education.
Admissions Arrangements for Foundation (Nursery) Places
Allen Edwards is over-subscribed in the nursery, so we advise parents/carers to apply for a place soon after their child’s second birthday. We accept children in Nursery from 3 years old.
We offer both part-time and full-time nursery places. This allows parents to access the universal free 15 hours or the 30-hour funded childcare (please see link for full criteria of early learning entitlement for their 3 and 4-year-olds.
Parents that would like more than the 15 hours of early learning, but are not entitled to the fully funded 30 hours can opt for our "Top-Up" service. Meaning a child can attend part-time and do additional hours at a fee of £10 per child per hour.
We offer up to 23 full-time nursery places. These sessions run at the same time as the main school. We also offer up to 34 morning and afternoon part-time places. Morning sessions run 9am-12pm and afternoons are 12.30-3.30pm.
Application forms are available from the school office during normal opening hours or can be downloaded below. The completed forms can be sent to Loretta Johnson via the school office email address (
The same selection for reception and the main school applies to the nursery, except in the case of 30-hour fully-funded places.
NB: It is important to stress that parents have no right to a full-time place and the school will determine which children are eligible, based on the information gathered from parents. Parents have no grounds to appeal if they are not allocated a full-time nursery place by the school.
Additional Information
Parents/Carers who are not offered a place for their child have the right to appeal against the decision. The appeal form is available from Lambeth Council.
The school is part of the locally agreed co-ordination scheme and the time scales for applications to be received and processed are those agreed with the Local Authority.
Over-subscribed Criteria
If there are no vacancies in a year/class, parents/carers will be asked whether they would like to be placed on the waiting list. The waiting list is governed in accordance with the admissions policy, and places are allocated strictly in accordance with the admissions criteria. Time on the waiting list is irrelevant.