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Welcome to our School

Our website aims to give you an overview of the school and sample the exciting and innovative way our children learn. At Allen Edwards, we strive to develop children’s love of learning and ensure they are well equipped for when they move on to secondary school. Prospective parents are warmly invited to attend one of our open evenings where you can walk around our classrooms and ask any questions you have about the school.

Mayor’s School for Success programme

We are very proud to be part of the London Mayor’s School for Success programme.

It highlights the “exceptional progress and achievement that our children make.” Read more >

Important Dates

June 2024

3 June

4 June

10 June

21 June

28 June

July 2024

9 July


10 July

17 July

18 July

23 July

24 July

Start of Term 6 - 8:55am

Culture Day

Year 4 Multiplication Check (2 weeks)

Launch Day

Year 1 & 2 phonics check

Year 6 Residential

Eid Celebration

Summer Fair (2pm till 5pm)

School closes @ 2pm

Base Amoah, Base Grosskopf &
Years 2 - 6 Sports Day (12pm-3pm)

EYFS, Year 1 & Base Verga Sports Day

Year 6 performance to parents

Year 6 Disco

Year 6 leavers asembly

End of Term - Finish at 2pm

Important Dates

Our Vision and Mission -

Always striving for improvement

At Allen Edwards we aim to provide the highest standards of education in an inclusive environment, through effective teaching and learning. 

Please click on the link below to find out more information


School Priorities

Each year we set ourselves a list of key priorities for the school to focus on throughout the academic year. These are shared with parents, governors and the school community.

Please click on the link below to see our school’s key priorities for the
2022-2023 academic year.


Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities for children to grow and learn.

View our curriculum here >

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Our school provides many other opportunities for children.


See what Allen Edwards can offer your child/children >

Black Lives Matter and
Allen Edwards Primary School

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At Allen Edwards, we were all appalled by the events that led up to the Black Lives Matter movement and we fully support the on-going work needed to eradicate racism and obtaining an equal society with equal opportunities for all.

Allen Edwards is a diverse community consisting of almost 20 different ethnicities and speaking over 30 different languages. We have always challenged any form of racism, and other forms of discrimination, and we will continue to tackle any forms of prejudice. We are very proud of our school and local community and fully support the Black Lives Matter movement.


As a school community, we have developed our curriculum over many years and it has been designed to reflect our diverse community so that all the children can see themselves and others positively reflected. However, there is still more that we can achieve and we will be meeting as a school to develop this further.


This term we have established working groups to:

  1. Review our strategy and policy towards diversity,

  2. Ensure our resources and curriculum represent the different ethnicities and cultures,

  3. Increase the education of staff through a monthly book club focusing on literature around the black lives movement.


This will enable us to engage even further with our families so that all our children benefit from our rich cultural heritage.


The work that we are doing is a key part of our School Improvement Plan and has a high priority across the school. Our aim is to ensure that when our children leave Allen Edwards they will have a deeper understanding that Black Lives Matter.

Open Days

Wednesday 27th September
Thursday 12th October
Tuesday 14th November
Thursday 7th December

Wednesday 10th January

Parents' & Carers' Hub

All the handy information our Parents' need to know.

Click here to read more >

Keep up with the latest from Allen Edwards

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Get in touch




020 7622 3985

Allen Edwards Primary School, Studley Road, Stockwell, London, SW4 6RP. United Kingdom

Quick links

For further information please contact Ms Loretta or Ms Christine on the above telephone number or email address.

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  • Allen Edwards

Clapham and Larkhall COLLABORATIVE

© Copyright 2023 Allen Edwards Primary School / Created by Count of Three LLP

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